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easyNet demo

Looking at the output

To look at the output, click the Results tab that’s on the right at the bottom of the screen. You should see an activity plot that shows word node activity as a function of time.


If you can’t see the plot, check that you are on the Plots tab and not the Tables tab (at the top of the Results window). Given the default plot settings you should see lines for just two word nodes – have and made. These are the only nodes that attain activities of greater than 0.10. As you can see, activity increases during the 15 cycles for which the stimulus is presented, and then decays exponentially over the following 25 cycles when the stimulus is replaced by the mask.

Although we can only see two nodes in this plot, it’s easy to modify the appearance of this plot so as to control which nodes are displayed.

Next: Modifying the plot settings

gui/page4.txt · Last modified: 2016/03/29 12:47 (external edit)