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Methods common to all steps object

A steps object represents a bundle of commands. The base object has a list of commands, but the most significant subtype of steps is trial, which does not use this list any more, as the rules governing trials are more complex. This list capability should be hived off to a subtype


some_steps step macro1=value1 macro2=value2...

Set the local macro variables macro1 etc. to have the values value etc., and execute the command bundle.


some_steps report

Emit the simple list of commands for some_steps.


some_steps clear

Clear the simple list of commands for some_steps


some_steps add any_command...

Append any_command to the simple list of commands for some_steps.


some_steps delete line_number

Remove the line_numberth from the list of commands for some_steps


some_steps insert line_number any_command...

Insert any_command into the list of commands for some_steps before the line_numberth command.

lazynut_scripting_language/reference/steps.txt · Last modified: 2016/03/25 13:12 (external edit)