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Methods common to all dataframes

The dataframe object is used for R data.frame objects that are managed by lazyNut. A data frame with lazyNut object name may be accessed in R through eN["object_name"] . An S4 class manages the relationship on the R side.


some_df description

The description of some_df will have additional elements: File name if there is an associated file (name) for the data frame; rows, the number of rows; and columns, the number of columns.


some_df load filename...

The file filename is loaded into the dataframe, assuming “eNd” ragged array file format. This may trigger subtype-specific processing.


some_df copy source_df

Create a “sliced” copy of some_df that is named source_df. Only the data is copied, the subtype and any subtype-specific properties are “sliced” off.


some_df clone source_df

Create a “deep” copy of some_df that is named source_df. Both data and facet information are copied, insofar as this is sensible.


some_df save_csv filename...

Saves some_df using R write.csv to filename.


some_df load_csv filename...

Loads into some_df using R read.csv from filename. Subtype-specific load-time processing will occur.


some_df get row_spec col_spec

Emit the elements of the dataframe some_df indicated by the row and column specifications row_spec and col_spec, which are in a format like 1-5,7-9.

some_df get

Emit the whole dataframe some_df in a format similar to HTML, with additional tags indicating the type of each element.


some_df clear

Erase all data in the data frame some_df. The subtype is not cleared.


some_df get_colnames

List the column names of the dataframe some_df.


some_df get_colname_dimensions

List the column names of the dataframe some_df, omitting the time column, and removing any common prefix among the remaining names.


some_df get_colnames_table

Emit the column names only of the dataframe some_df in the same format as get.


some_df get_colwise

Emit the dataframe some_df in a transposed format. The TBODY tag is replaced with TCBODY; the TR tag with TC; and the TC element carries a type attribute, rather than each element having a typing tag.


some_df get_column_as_list colname

Emit the elements of the column with heading colname of the dataframe some_df in a simple list without special table tags.


some_df for_each_row any_command...

Iterate over the rows of some_df. On each iteration, set a local macro variable with the name of the column element with a value of the corresponding cell, and execute any_command.

lazynut_scripting_language/reference/dataframe.txt · Last modified: 2016/03/25 13:12 (external edit)