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Methods common to all lazyNut objects


object description

Emit a description of object that in XML includes at least the elements pretty name; type; and subtype. subtype includes zero or more sub-elements indicating the object's facets.
The non-XML version's output is in one of the forms:

object is a type/subtype: Key: value; Key: value; ...
pretty-name [object] is a type/subtype: Key: value; Key: value; ...
object is a type/{facet,facet,...}: Key: value; Key: value; ...
pretty-name [object] is a type/{facet,...,...}: Key: value; Key: value; ...


object type subtype

Change object's subtype to subtype.


object setters

List lazyNut commands for modifying elements of the object's description.


object commands

List all methods that apply to object.


object set_pretty_name pretty_name

Associate the display name pretty_name with object.


object add_facet facet_type

Add a facet of facet type facet_type to object, destroying the existing facet of the same role, if such exists.


object add_hint key value...

Add the pair key-value to the hints component of the description of object.


object add_hint_plus extra_key extra_value key value...

Add the pair key-value to the hints component of the description of object; an additional sub-key extra_key associated with the value extra_value will be added nested within the new hint.


object change_hint key value...

Change the pair with key key to key-value in the hints component of the description of object.

lazynut_scripting_language/reference/all-objects.txt · Last modified: 2016/03/25 13:12 (external edit)