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Loading a set of trials

A stimulus set can be loaded via the main menu (alternatively, stimuli can be loaded directly from the Stimuli tab).

load stimulus set

To test whether the TL priming effect generalises to a larger set, let's load the stimulus set called Perea_Lupker_short_03.eNd. This set comprises a small subset of the items from that experiment (there is also a set called Perea_Lupker_03.eNd which includes the entire set of items from the experiment, but it will take a bit longer to run this set, which is the reason we'll use the shorter set for this demo).

load stimulus set

Note that this stimulus set includes not only the primes and targets, but also information about which condition each trial is in. The Perea and Lupker experiment included two within-item factors: prime type (TL or RL) and position of transposition (internal or final). We'll use this information later to plot means for each of the experimental conditions.

For instructions on how to run a set of trials, follow this link: Running a set of trials

Next: Merging dataframes

gui/sc_loadset.txt · Last modified: 2016/03/29 13:13 (external edit)