Pickering, J., Adelman, J. S., & Inglis, M. (2023). Are Approximate Number System Representations Numerical? Journal of Numerical Cognition, 9(1), 129–144. [PDF]
Adelman, J. S., & Trifonova, I. V. (2022). Orthographic priming from unrelated primes: Heterogeneous feedforward inhibition predicted by associative learning. Journal of Memory and Language, 127, 104372. [PDF]
Trifonova, I. V., & Adelman, J. S. (2022). Repeated letters increase the ambiguity of strings: Evidence from identifcation, priming and same-different tasks. Cognitive Psychology, 132, 101445. [PDF Data etc.]
Trifonova, I. V., & Adelman, J. S. (2019). A delay in processing for repeated letters: Evidence from megastudies. Cognition, 189, 227–241. [PDF]
Adelman, J. S., Estes, Z. & Cossu, M. (2018). Emotional sound symbolism: Languages rapidly signal valence via phonemes. Cognition, 175, 122–130. [PDF]
Trifonova, I. V., & Adelman, J. S. (2018). The sandwich priming paradigm does not reduce lexical competitor effects. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 44, 1743–1764. [PDF Data etc.]
Guest, D., Kent, C., & Adelman, J. S. (2018). The relative importance of perceptual and memory sampling processes in determining the time course of absolute identification. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 44, 615–630. [PDF]
Nash, R. A., Wade, K. A., Garry, M., & Adelman, J. S. (2017). A robust preference for cheap-and-easy strategies over reliable strategies when verifying personal memories. Memory, 25, 890–899. [PDF]
Guest, D., Adelman, J. S., & Kent, C. (2016). Relative judgement is relatively difficult: Evidence against the role of relative judgement in absolute identification. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 23, 922–931. [PDF]
Wonnacott, E., Joseph, H., Adelman, J. S., & Nation, K. (2016). Is children's reading "good enough"? Links between online processing and comprehension as children read syntactically ambiguous sentences. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 69, 855–879. [PDF]
Hills, T. T., & Adelman, J. S. (2015). Recent evolution of learnability in American English from 1800–2000. Cognition, 143, 87–92. [PDF]
Estes, Z., Verges, M., & Adelman, J. S. (2015). Words, objects, and locations: Perceptual matching explains spatial interference and facilitation. Journal of Memory and Language, 84, 167–189. [PDF]
Adelman, J. S., & Estes, Z. (2015). Why to treat subjects as fixed effects. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 41, 1602–1605. [PDF]
Adelman, J. S., Johnson, R. L., McCormick, S. F., McKague, M., Kinoshita, S., Bowers, J. S., Perry, J. R., Lupker, S. J., Forster, K. I., Cortese, M. J., Scaltritti, M., Aschenbrenner, A. J., Coane, J. H., White, L., Yap, M. J., Davis, C., Kim, J., & Davis, C. J. (2014). A behavioral database for masked form priming. Behavior Research Methods, 46, 1052–1067. [MS PDF Data etc.]
Adelman, J. S., Sabatos-DeVito, M. G., Marquis, S. J., & Estes, Z. (2014). Individual differences in reading aloud: A mega-study, item effects, and some models. Cognitive Psychology, 68, 113–160. [MS PDF Data]
Adelman, J. S., & Estes, Z. (2013). Emotion and memory: A recognition advantage for positive and negative words independent of arousal. Cognition, 129, 530–535. [MS PDF]
Adelman, J. S., Marquis, S. J., Sabatos-DeVito, M. G., & Estes, Z. (2013). The unexplained nature of reading. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 39, 1037–1053. [MS PDF Data]
Adelman, J. S. (2011). Letters in Time and Retinotopic Space. Psychological Review, 118, 570–582. [MS PDF Modeling & Data]
Adelman, J. S., Marquis, S. J., & Sabatos-DeVito, M. G. (2010). Letters in words are read simultaneously, not in left-to-right sequence. Psychological Science, 21, 1799–1801. [MS PDF]
Guest, D., Kent, C., & Adelman, J. S. (2010). Why additional presentations help identify a stimulus. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 36, 1609–1630. [MS PDF]
Adelman, J. S., & Brown, G. D. A. (2008a). Methods of testing and diagnosing model error: Dual and single route cascaded models of reading aloud. Journal of Memory and Language, 59, 524–544. [MS PDF]
Estes, Z., & Adelman, J. S. (2008b). Automatic vigilance for negative words is categorical and general. Emotion, 8, 453–457. [MS PDF]
Adelman, J. S., & Brown, G. D. A. (2008b). Modeling lexical decision: The form of frequency and diversity effects. Psychological Review, 115, 214–227. [MS PDF Example analysis]
Adelman, J. S., & Brown, G. D. A. (2008c). Postscript: Deviations from the predictions of serial search. Psychological Review, 115, 228–229. [MS PDF attached with above]
Estes, Z., & Adelman, J. S. (2008a). Automatic vigilance for negative words in lexical decision and naming: Comment on Larsen, Mercer, and Balota (2006). Emotion, 8, 441–444. [MS PDF]
Adelman, J. S., & Brown, G. D. A. (2007). Phonographic neighbors, not orthographic neighbors, determine word naming latencies. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 14, 455–459. [MS PDF]
Adelman, J. S., Brown, G. D. A., & Quesada, J. F. (2006). Contextual diversity, not word frequency, determines word naming and lexical decision times. Psychological Science, 17, 814–823. [MS PDF Correlation Matrices]